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Practicum Project

Future Outlook


The Future Outlook...
    We have really learned a great deal of information over the past couple of
weeks. The information has touched our lives so much and we hope it will
touch someone elses as well.  Women really need to take pride in their health.
If we have just touched one person, then we have made a huge difference.
          The problem with heart disease is that people don't take it that seriously.
They look at themselves and say "I am skinny, I workout, and I watch what
I eat." But this disease can still happen to you. Heart Disease is the number
one killer among women and we believe that some women don't even know
it is that important.
          Our goal is to fight heart disease and let the women in the community
know that heart disease is out there and it can happen to them. We hope to
see heart disease statistics fall in the future from the number one spot on the
list of things that kill America's women. We hope one day that it may even
be off the list but that would take a great deal of change in the American
lifestyle. People are slowly starting towakeup to the fact that our lifestyle
has got to change if we want to live longer and healthier. How many people
have to die for this to happens?

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Rads 3450- Summer 2007
