Student is unable to show they understand the concept and/or can follow the procedure necessary to answer the question correctly. The answer is completely incorrect.
1 pts
The student shows some mastery of the concept/or procedure necessary to answer the question. The question is partially correct or work is correct.
2 pts
The student shows mastery of the concept or procedure necessary to answer the question. The question is correct. The shown work is correct.
3 pts
The student shows mastery of t concept/procedure necessary to answer the question and the work is correct but they go above by showing other ways to answer the question or explaining in an excellent manner.
4 pts
Conceptual Understanding Procedural Fluency The student showed understanding of telling time and telling time after the hour
Conceptual Understanding Procedural Fluency The student showed understanding of telling time and telling time before the hour
Procedural Fluency Mathematical Reasoning The student could add elapsed time on a number line
Procedural Fluency Mathematical Reasoning The student could find the missing time in an elapsed time equation
Procedural Fluency Mathematical Reasoning The student could subtract time in an elapsed time equation without a number line