Low quality, unreliable.
0 pts
Medium quality and reliability, or has both good and bad aspects.
1 pts
High quality, reliable.
2 pts
How recent or up-to-date is its content? (and how important is that to you?)
What is the intended purpose? (Think educate/inform, sell something, entertain, change minds/behavior, even propaganda/hate speech)
Is the target audience appropriate for your use? (Think age group, educational level)
What, if any, ideological slant did the author write for?
Who is the creator of the information source, and what kind of expertise and experience do they have?
Is this a formal publisher with a reputation to uphold?
What kinds of quality control has the information source been through?
Are there any logical fallacies? Check http://logicalfallacies.info
Did the information source gain its information using appropriate means?
Are the facts correct?