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iRubric: Nursing Care Plan Rubric

iRubric: Nursing Care Plan Rubric

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Nursing Care Plan Rubric 
This assignment involves conducting a thorough collection and analysis of historical, subjective and objective patient data. Based on your findings and evaluations, you will design a comprehensive nursing care plan utilizing NANDA approved diagnoses.
Rubric Code: SXX8887
Public Rubric
Subject: Nursing  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Nursing Care Plan Rubric
Grading Criteria
  Incomplete C

5 pts

Poor C

10 pts

Fair B

15 pts

Good A

20 pts

20 pts

1. Historical data is complete and diagnostic results
are interpreted correctly.
2. Etiology, risk factors and pathophysiology of
patient's primary condition is accurate and
complete. Two citations are listed and per APA.
3. Subjective and objective columns of physical
assessment section are complete.
4. Analysis of subjective and objective data is
accurate and complete

Incomplete C

Assessment portion is incomplete or inacurate.
Poor C

Assessment data is not well organized. Subjective and objective data are not identified. Assessment data is irrelevant or does not support nursing diagnosis.
Fair B

Identifies some significant, acurate and relevant data from more than one source. Does not consistently identify subjective and objective data correctly. Most assessment data supports nursing diagnosis.
Good A

Utilizes multiple sources for data. Correctly identifies subjective and objective data which is clear, specific, and relevant. All data is clustered in a coherent manner and is related to a nursing diagnosis.
20 pts

1. Three physiological and 2 psychosocial NANDA
approved diagnosis are listed
2.Nursing diagnoses are written in proper form
(Dx ______R/T ______ AEB_______ )
3. Contributing factors are supported by assessment data
4.Top 3 nursing diagnoses are prioritized in
accordance to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
5.Rationales for prioritized nursing diagnoses are logical

Incomplete C

Diagnosis portion is incomplete or irrelevant.
Poor C

Diagnosis are not NANDA approved, appropriate for patient or not prioritized. Diagnosis not clearly supported by assessment data.
Fair B

One or two diagnosis are identified that are appropriate for patient and are NANDA approved and clearly supported by assessment data. May not be listed in order of priority, or lack the proper format.
Good A

Three or more diagnosis are identified and are clearly supported by assessment data, and reflect accurate clinical judgement. They are appropriate for patient, well prioritized, NANDA approved, and written in correct format.
20 pts

1. List 2 prioritized goals that directly address each of the 2 prioritized nursing
2. Goals are realistic
3. measurable by at least two criteria date & time
4. are patient/family centered
5. include a long and a short term goals with target date/ time

Incomplete C

Goal portion is incomplete or completely unrelated to nursing diagnoses.
Poor C

Goal statement are not relevant to nursing diagnosisis. Outcomes are consistently not client centered, measurable or have achievable target dates.
Fair B

Goal statements are identified that relate to the nursing diagnosis, and are patient focused. Criteria for measurement included but may not be clear or contain realistic time frame for evaluation.
Good A

Short and long term goals are identified that clearly relate to the nursing diagnosis, are written in a patient focused manner, and are realistic. Each goal contains clear criteria for measurement and a time frame for evaluation.
20 pts

1. Describe 2 interventions for each goal
2. Interventions directly address the
cause of the diagnosis.
3. Include independent (I) and
icollaborative (C) actions.
4. Patient &/or family education
is evident
5. Each intervention is specific in
action and frequency

Incomplete C

Interventions portion is incomplete, not relevant to patient, or no rationales provided.
Poor C

Interventions are unclear or do not clearly focus on the etiology of the nursing diagnosis or relate to patient goal outcomes.<BR>
Rationales provided do not demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the interventions or no references are provided.
Fair B

Identifies three or less interventions for each goal that relate to the etiology of the nursing diagnosis. Not all interventions may be specific. Rationales included but may be weak, or references are incomplete or from sources that may not be reliable.
Good A

Identifies at least 3-5 specific interventions for each outcome criteria in order to help the patient/family reach the desired goal. Interventions are specific in action and frequency, and include rationales which are researched and clearly referenced with very reliable sources.
20 pts

1. Outline the methods to be used in evaluating
outcome criteria.
2.Explain expectations for goals being met.
3. Describe what criteria would determine that the goal
is met, partially met, or unmet.
4 Explain how the plan of care would be revised or
continued in each case including a new realistic
evaluation date/time.

Incomplete C

Evaluations portion is incomplete or does not relate to diagnosis, goal statement or interventions.
Poor C

Evaluation portion does not consistently contain data that is listed as criteria in goal statement. May also not describe goal as met, partially met, or not met. May also not include revision or new evaluation date/time.
Fair B

Clearly states how each outcome would be evaluated. Able to correctly identify criteria for goal being met, partially met, or unmet. Identifies revisions for careplan but may not include acurate rationale for revision or references may be from sources that may not be reliable, or a new date is not provided for reevaluation.
Good A

Evaluation portion contains data that is listed as criteria in goal statement and lists expectations for meeting the goal. Clear explanation of the criteria for goals being met, partially met, or not met. Includes plan for continuation or revision, clearly referenced rationale for revisions from reliable sources, and a new evaluation date/time.

  • Nursing, Care Plan



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