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Gallery of Education rubrics. Access a list of public rubrics made by our members. Copy rubrics to your zone. Bookmark rubrics for future use Build, share, exchange, and reuse rubrics. Find rubrics by category and type.

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Found 63117 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 20 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Invent A Game/Sport       popup preview  
Create a game or sport using your creativity and teach your classmates.

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Compare/Contrast: games/sports in P.E.       popup preview  
Games/sports being compared in the Venn diagram: _________________________ and _________________________

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
3 rubric Love in the Bible Rubric       popup preview  
Rubric for evaluating student presentations.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric RÚBRICA DE EVALUACIÓN DE PORTAFOLIO       popup preview  

Grade levels:   Grad  
5 rubric Pre-K Letter Rubric       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
6 rubric Create a Brochure for Parents of Your Future Classroom       popup preview  
Students will design a professional brochure using Canva to introduce their future classroom to parents. This brochure will serve as a tool for communication, offering parents insight into classroom expectations, educational goals, and contact information.

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Writing with Supporting Details       popup preview  
A 4X4 short rubric to quickly evaluate the students writing abilities

Grade levels:   K-5   Grad  
8 rubric Canva and Presentation       popup preview  
Presentation about animals

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric ALL ABOUT ME Presentation Rubric       popup preview  
Each category in the far left column represents a component of the project that will be taken into consideration when composing the final grade for this assignment. Review the rubric carefully before, during and after the creation of the PowerPoint presentation, to ensure that all intended elements of your destination have been represented and all other criteria have been met.

Grade levels:   9-12  
10 rubric Evolve Facilitator Evaluation       popup preview  
Evaluation of facilitator's ability to train facilitation skills to project specific facilitators

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
11 rubric Formal Research Outline       popup preview  
This is the grading rubric for your formal outline assignment. Make sure you follow MLA format and include a Works Cited page as noted on the assignment sheet.

Grade levels:   6-8  
12 rubric IBCA Classwork Rubric       popup preview  
Students are assessed on their classwork

Grade levels:   6-8  
13 rubric IBCA Classwork Rubric       popup preview  
Students are assessed on their classwork in IBCA

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
14 rubric Power Generation PowerPoint Presentation Rubric       popup preview  
A rubric to assess students PowerPoint development ability, and then the PowerPoint Presentation.

Grade levels:   Grad  
15 rubric Mr. & Miss Belleville Pageant       popup preview  
This rubric is to be used for the on-stage question portion prior to the start of the pageant.

Grade levels:   9-12  
16 rubric Narrative Writing       popup preview  
Narrative Writing

Grade levels:   6-8  
17 rubric Food Truck Design       popup preview  
You are to assume the role of new owners of a food truck. The food truck industry is a growing field in the hospitality and tourism industry. To start your own company you must complete the following: Design the Truck, Design the Name and Logo, Select the Food and prices, Build a model of the truck.

Grade levels:   6-8  
18 rubric LESSON PLAN RUBRIC       popup preview  

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
19 rubric Rúbrica presentación del portafolio de Cátedra Integradora       popup preview  
Indicaciones: Lea con atención y considere los criterios de la rubrica para presentar su portafolio.

Grade levels:   Grad  
20 rubric RECYCLING PROJECT FOR THE SCHOOL       popup preview  
This rubric is designed for a recycling project that consists of 11th grade students that will organize and create a recycling program at their school. There will be group work, a power point presentation to present to the classes to introduce the program A recycling bin needs to be created and finally a financial plan put into effect with the earnings of the recycled products. They will also follow through for five weeks on the progress of the program. The students are divided into groups.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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