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Gallery of Science rubrics. Access a list of public rubrics made by our members. Copy rubrics to your zone. Bookmark rubrics for future use Build, share, exchange, and reuse rubrics. Find rubrics by category and type.

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1 rubric Science Project : Model and Presentation       popup preview  
Students create a science model, and present their model. The model should be based on a scientific concept that is based on a topic of the student's choosing.

Grade levels:   K-5  
2 rubric Particle Model of Matter       popup preview  
Students will create particle models for each state of matter. Students will identify and demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of each state of matter. Diagrams need to support learning.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Social Studies Essay Rubric       popup preview  
This rubric will be used to evaluate essays in Social Studies

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric competencias comunicativas del docente       popup preview  
evaluar la capacidad que tiene el docente en la comunicación y transmisión de la información.

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Watershed Model Project       popup preview  
Students will create a 3-D model watershed. They will use recycled material to model the movement of water over the land and in the ground water and identify any river, streams, lakes, and outlets.

Grade levels:   6-8  
6 rubric Class Reporting Rubric       popup preview  
This rubric is designed to assess the presentation of each individual's topic about theory of Motor control and motor learning.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
7 rubric Tall Tower Challenge       popup preview  
Lesson focuses on the growth of tall buildings and their structures. Students work in teams to develop the tallest tower they can build with limited materials that can support the weight of a tennis ball for 2 minutes. They develop a design on paper, build their tower, present and test their tower to the class, evaluate their results and those of their teammates, and complete reflection sheets.

Grade levels:   6-8  
8 rubric Create a Science Board Game       popup preview  
Create a board game that utilizes concepts developed in the chapter. A Rules Sheet must be created to explain how to play the game. The game board must be designed on a thick illustration board (min 16-ply), needs to be creative. The game board includes a game name and all of the materials to play the game. Must be able to read questions.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
9 rubric Natural Disaster Poster Project       popup preview  
Students are assigned a natural disaster and develop an informational poster based upon research of their assigned natural disaster.

Grade levels:   K-5  
10 rubric Particle Model of Matter       popup preview  
Students will create particle models for each state of matter. Students will identify and demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of each state of matter. Diagrams need to support learning.

Grade levels:   6-8  
11 rubric Skeleton model       popup preview  
Students will create a model of a human skeleton using non-traditional materials. Students will use vocabulary and the lessons we completed to get their information

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
12 rubric Human Body Systems Project       popup preview  
Student will create a project to demonstrate his/her knowledge about an assigned human body system. Student will address all of the organs in the system, the functions within the body system and why the body system is important for survival. A one page written, or half page typed (double space) report on how the system works will be required as part of the project.

Grade levels:   K-5  
13 rubric Structure/Function Comparison grade 4       popup preview  

Grade levels:   K-5  
14 rubric Concept Map       popup preview  
Concept Maps (Care Plans) for Nursing students

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
15 rubric Mapping Clinical Concepts       popup preview  
Concept Maps Rubric

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
16 rubric Concept Map Rubric       popup preview  
Concept Map for Nursing Students

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
17 rubric Concept Map Nursing Clinical       popup preview  
Concept Maps Grading Sheet for Nursing students

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
18 rubric Social Studies Essay Rubric       popup preview  
This rubric will be used to evaluate essays in Social Studies

Grade levels:   9-12  
19 rubric Social Studies Essay Rubric       popup preview  
This rubric will be used to evaluate essays in Social Studies

Grade levels:   9-12  
20 rubric Novel Choice Board       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  

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