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1 rubric Black History Project       popup preview  
The students will work on their own to put together a poster for display. The poster will contain relevant information directly related to the topic selected by the student. The poster should have areas segmented that directly reflect the outline created by the student. The poster will be designed on either poster board (full-sized poster board) or tri fold poster board. The student is required to explain their poster to the class and teacher

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Lack History Poster Board       popup preview  
The students will work on their own to put together a poster for display. The poster will contain relevant information directly related to the topic selected by the student. The poster should have areas segmented that directly reflect the outline created by the student. The poster will be designed on either poster board (full-sized poster board) or tri fold poster board. The student is required to explain their poster to the class and teacher

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Poster rubric       popup preview  
The students will work on their own to put together a poster for display. The poster will contain relevant information directly related to the topic selected by the student. The poster should have areas segmented that directly reflect the outline created by the student. The poster will be designed on either poster board (full-sized poster board) or tri fold poster board. The student is required to explain their poster to the class and teacher

Grade levels:   6-8  
4 rubric Poster rubric       popup preview  
The students will work in groups to put together a poster for display. The poster will contain relevant information directly related to the topic selected by the student. The poster should have areas segmented that directly reflect the outline created by the student group. The poster will be designed on either poster board (full-sized poster board) or tri fold poster board. The students are required to explain their poster to the class and teacher

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
5 rubric Workbook Completion Assessment       popup preview  
Rubric tool to assess students workbook work quality and their content understanding.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Anti-slavery pamphlet rubric       popup preview  
The students will work on their own to put together a pamphlet for display. The poster will contain relevant information directly related to the theme of Anti-slavery. Students will provide evidence of the evils of slavery and the harsh conditions under which slaves lived in a creative and colorful pamphlet.

Grade levels:   6-8  
7 rubric Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle rubric       popup preview  
Students will work individually to put together a poster for display around our school to encourage their peers to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The poster must include at least 3 ways to stay healthy for each aspect of health (physical health, mental/emotional health and social health). In total, students will have 9 ways to stay healthy. Students will include statistical facts that go along with each picture. The poster will be designed on Canva or Google Slides.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
8 rubric Anti-slavery Poster rubric       popup preview  
The students will work on their own to put together a poster for display. The poster will contain relevant information directly related to the theme of Anti-slavery. Students will provide evidence of the evils of slavery and the harsh conditions under which slaves lived in a creative and colorful poster.

Grade levels:   6-8  
9 rubric Healthy Eating Poster       popup preview  
Students will create a poster that effectively communicates the following: 1: Healthy Foods 2: Not Eating Junk food and sugar 3: What unhealthy foods do to our body. You can use both pictures and writing to make your poster appealing to the reader.

Grade levels:   6-8  
10 rubric Healthy Eating Poster       popup preview  
Students will create a poster that effectively communicates the following: 1: Healthy Foods 2: Refer to the 5 food groups You can use both pictures and writing to make your poster appealing to the reader.

Grade levels:   6-8  
11 rubric Digestive System Poster       popup preview  
The students will work on their own to put together a poster for display. The poster will contain relevant information directly related to the theme of THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM in a creative and colorful poster.

Grade levels:   9-12  
12 rubric Myers Briggs Personality writing       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad  
13 rubric Anatomy and Physiology Presentation       popup preview  
Students will research and present a complete overview of a heart disease or disorder.

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric Anatomy and Physiology Presentation       popup preview  
Students will research and present a complete overview of a disease or illness related to a body system covered in this course.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
15 rubric Famous Scientist Google Slides Rubric       popup preview  
The students will work to put together Google Slides. The Slides will depict discoveries and personal information about a famous scientist.

Grade levels:   6-8  
16 rubric First Aid /Risk Pre Trip Scenarios       popup preview  
Students are to act out a First Aid OR Risk Management emergency scenario and perform a re-enactment of how to address the event. Students studied and became a "pro" on a specific first aid response. Then they create a first-aid emergency scenario video to represent how to deal with that specific situation. Students will then watch and fill out a peer assessment on at least 6 other scenarios of their choice.

Grade levels:   6-8  
17 rubric 3-D Anatomy and Physiology Rubric       popup preview  
Anatomy students will create a 3-D representation of a selected part of the human anatomy to include: bone, muscle, vein, nerves and all skin layers. (viscera)

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric Public Safety II Brochure       popup preview  
Students will create a health and safety brochure on their assigned topic.

Grade levels:   K-5   9-12  
19 rubric Health - Drugs & Drug Abuse - Power Point Presentation       popup preview  
Create a presentation to educate your class about a specific drug. You must include the classification of the drug, its actual name and any known street names, how it affects your body and/or mind, its level of addictiveness, where it is found, what it looks like, why anyone might want to take it, a list of similar drugs and any other information that you think may be useful.

Grade levels:   6-8  
20 rubric Stress Workbook Evaluation       popup preview  
Rubric tool to assess students workbook work quality and their content understanding.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  

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