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public rubrics, rubrics for grade level: Kindergarten - Grade 5
Gallery of rubrics for grade level: Kindergarten - Grade 5. Access a list of public rubrics made by our members. Copy rubrics to your zone. Bookmark rubrics for future use Build, share, exchange, and reuse rubrics. Find rubrics by category and type.

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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Kickball Skills Assessment       popup preview  
Students will be assessed on specific skills for the game of kickball for both their application of skills and amount of effort given.

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8   9-12  
2 rubric Kickball Skills Assessment       popup preview  
Students will be assessed on specific skills for the game of kickball for both their application of skills and amount of effort given.

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8   9-12  
3 rubric Rubric for Garden Design Project       popup preview  
The project consists of students creating a garden. They will choose the measurements of their garden, ensuring that fractions or decimals are used. The perimeter and area of the garden will be found. Students will choose a cost for fencing and planting and then use the measurements chosen to find price.

Grade levels:   K-5  
4 rubric RUBRIC FOR WRITING A RECIPE       popup preview  

Grade levels:   K-5   Undergrad  
5 rubric Preschool Story Elements       popup preview  
This rubric can be used to help assess a student on thier understanding of elements of a fictional story.

Grade levels:   K-5  
6 rubric English Listening Skills: Following directions.       popup preview  
Students will LISTEN to a series of spoken directions and/or information in order to complete a chart, diagram, picture or sentences. The material will be taken from topics already studied and practiced in class.

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
7 rubric lifecycle of a butterfly       popup preview  

Grade levels:   K-5  
8 rubric Google Slide Show/Oral Presentation Rubric       popup preview  

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
9 rubric Base 10       popup preview  
NY-2.NBT.1.a.b (Page 39) -NY-2.NBT.3 (Page 39) Learning Objective(s): -2nd-grade students will learn the different values of base 10 blocks One block=1, A long=10, A flat=100, etc -2nd-grade students will be able to add 3-digit numbers

Grade levels:   K-5  
10 rubric Base 10       popup preview  
NY-2.NBT.1.a.b (Page 39) -NY-2.NBT.3 (Page 39) Learning Objective(s): -2nd-grade students will learn the different values of base 10 blocks One block=1, A long=10, A flat=100, etc -2nd-grade students will be able to add 3-digit numbers

Grade levels:   K-5  
11 rubric Patterns of the Sun       popup preview  

Grade levels:   K-5  
12 rubric Math Word Problems       popup preview  
A rubric for scoring student created word problems.

Grade levels:   K-5  
13 rubric Website/App Rubric       popup preview  

Grade levels:   K-5  
14 rubric Science Stop Motion Animation Video Project       popup preview  
In this project students work together to create a stop-motion animation that covers one of the sections from Chapter 4 of our textbook, "Interactive Science." Students will use either LEGOs or clay to create their stop-motion film.

Grade levels:   K-5  
15 rubric Rubric       popup preview  
Objective: The students will identify the place value given and give correct amount of ones and tens

Grade levels:   K-5  
16 rubric Rubric       popup preview  
Objective: The students will identify the place value given and give correct amount of ones and tens

Grade levels:   K-5  
17 rubric Continents and Oceans       popup preview  
Students identified continents by their shape, placed continents in correct location on a map and labeled oceans according to location. Spelling of all continents and oceans are correct

Grade levels:   K-5  
18 rubric Piano Performance Rubric       popup preview  
Piano Performance Rubric for Private Studio

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8   9-12  
19 rubric Counting, Identifying, and Making Change with Money       popup preview  
In the rubric, students will be measured on Counting, Identifying, and Making/Counting Change with Money.

Grade levels:   K-5  
20 rubric Using a Mouse       popup preview  
Basics of learning mouse skills.

Grade levels:   K-5  

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