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1 rubric My President of the United States       popup preview  
Students have to write a 2 paragraph (10 sentence) essay on a president of the United States. They will have to include the president of the United States background including when and where they were born, what # the president was, and the years served as president. They will do research on 3 major accomplishments/contributions that president made while in office, and then they will present the essay to the class. This is an introduction to leanring about a president and what that president accomplished while in office. Students will create a poster of the president's life. ESSAYS and POSTERS ARE DUE ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2011. Presentations will be held on Thursday FEBRUARY 17th, and Friday, FEBRUARY 18th. Parents are welcome to attend!

Grade levels:   K-5  
2 rubric My President of the United States       popup preview  
Students have to write a 2 paragraph (10 sentence) essay on a president of the United States. They will have to include the president of the United States background including when and where they were born, what # the president was, and the years served as president. They will do research on 3 major accomplishments/contributions that president made while in office, and then they will present the essay to the class. This is an introduction to leanring about a president and what that president accomplished while in office. ESSAYS ARE DUE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2008. Presentations will be held on Thursday March 13th, and Friday, March 14th. Parents are welcome to attend!

Grade levels:   N/A

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