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1 rubric Ancient Civilization Survival Guide       popup preview  
Students will research the Mayan ancient peoples. Information should include: (1) Where/when lived?: geography, climate, available natural resources; (2) Agriculture (food), and housing; (3) government, religion, and social structure; (4) economy. Conduct authentic research using a variety of sources. Minimum of 2 typed paragraphs: Identify 4 or more problems Mayan civilization faced in that area and provide 1 solution for improvement for each problem.

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Social Bookmarking       popup preview  
Students will create a wilderness survival guide, focusing on the enduring understanding of adaptation to one's environment. Students will incorporate both historical information and constructive knowledge to successfully bookmark relevant survival strategies to withstand Alaska's climate.

Grade levels:  
3 rubric Research project: Extreme Environments       popup preview  
You will be making a booklet about one of the extreme environments discussed in class. You will be using research skills, applying your knowledge of adaptations and communicating in writing. Your booklet needs to include a table of contents, glossary and references. The required topics are: Why is this an extreme environment for humans? (definition /description of the environment; dangers) Where are they found? (different examples of the environment) What grows there? (plants and the adaptions that help them survive) What lives there? (animals that have adapted) Why do we want to be there? (reasons for being in the environment; benefits) How can humans survive? (technology that allows us to live there) Choice (pick a topic to include) The due date is March 26th, 2013.

Grade levels:   6-8  
4 rubric Mayan Civilization Research       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
5 rubric TOUR 325 - Assignment 4 - Research Essay Rubric       popup preview  
For this research essay, you (and up to 3 colleagues) are to choose a tourism trend that is of interest to you. Choose from one of the following: Religious Tourism, Medical Tourism, Voluntourism, Gay/Lesbian Tourism or Culinary/Wine Tourism. If you would like to research another topic, please see your instructor. Regardless, set up a meeting with your instructor before starting too much research. This research essay will follow the APA style and be 1500-1800 words in length, not including the title page, table of contents or reference page/s. The reference page should include at least six (6) sources used in researching the paper. The paper will be graded on quality of research, effective use of information gained through research, credibility of sources and relevance of included information.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  

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