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1 rubric 8th Grade Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Essay       popup preview  
You are to write a multi-paragraph essay based on what we have covered in this unit. You will need to specifically address what you have learned from watching the movie, "SuperSize Me". Provide details of the movie and how it relates what we have discussed about the American diet, your diet, and how we can make changes in how and what we eat.

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric 6th and 7th Grade Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Essay       popup preview  
You are to write a multi-paragraph essay based on what we have covered in this unit. You may choose to write about everything you have learned, or you may choose from one of the following topics: 1. The Benefits of eating whole grain foods 2. What are the MyPlate Dietary Guidelines? 3. Are organic foods better? 4. Why should you avoid Junk Food and/or Fast Foods 5. Food and Obesity 6. The Average American Diet

Grade levels:   6-8  

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