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1 rubric World War II Era Project       popup preview  
You will be researching a specific topic from the WWII time Period. You will be creating an Appetizer, Entre, Side Dishes, and Dessert. I encourage you to pick an Entree that will aid you and your project best. You are encouraged to speak to me about your project to get additional ideas or help. The important points about the topic should be included as well as pictures, letters, maps, etc. This project should be colorful, attractive, and FUN! You will be required to have One Main Topic, Five Sub Topics (Sub Points of your Main Topic) and Two Sub Sub Topics for each Sub Topics. EX: The Holocaust 1. Hitler a. Youth b. Leadership 2. Nazis a. Leaders b. Goal 3. Concentration Camps a. Who b. What 4. Prisoners a. Who b. why 5. Liberation a. Who b. How

Grade levels:   9-12  

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