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1 rubric Medical Ethics Case Study and Oral Presentation       popup preview  
The final exam will be a group project where students select a topic and identify a specific Malpractice or Tort case. They will provide information on the location of the negligence, the reason for the patient's visit, what went wrong, and suggestions for prevention. The project should also include details on the case settlement and the students' perspectives on the actions they would take as the physician or patient. Students must create a PowerPoint presentation and handout for the project.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad   Grad  
2 rubric Research Paper: Medical Law and Ethics       popup preview  
Objective: The student will integrate 2 perspectives regarding Medical Law and Ethics Description: Based on your clinical experience, you are to write a 5 page paper concerning two ethical issues that you have encountered. The paper MUST be written from a NURSING perspective. Describe the issues including the pros and cons of the issue at hand. Refer to the following rubric for grading guidelines.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  

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