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1 rubric Magazine Cover Project       popup preview  
Create a magazine cover that looks like a real magazine. Choose the title of the publication. Then, be sure you include a title, photos, headline articles, dateline and follow a monthly theme. Be creative and make the finished product look as professional as possible. Be aware of the marketability and audience appeal of your magazine. The final project must be a JPG or JPEG file.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Magazine Cover Project       popup preview  
Create a magazine cover that looks like a real magazine. Choose the title of the publication. Then, be sure you include a title, photos, headline articles, dateline and follow a monthly theme. Be creative and make the finished product look as professional as possible. Be aware of the marketability and audience appeal of your magazine. Follow all your desktop publishing guidelines using InDesign and Photoshop. The final project must be an Indesign document.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Magazine Cover Project       popup preview  
Create a magazine cover that looks like a real magazine. Choose the title of the publication. Then, be sure you include a title, photos, headline articles, dateline and follow a monthly theme. Be creative and make the finished product look as professional as possible. Be aware of the marketability and audience appeal of your magazine. Follow all your desktop publishing guidelines using InDesign and Photoshop. The final project must be an Indesign document.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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