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1 rubric Character Trait Analysis       popup preview  
Write a five paragraph analysis of a character from your independent novel you are reading. The introduction needs to capture the readers attention and make them want to read the rest of your analysis. Give a brief overview of the story and how your character fits into the story. In the body you need to show how the character is identified and what his/her traits are in the beginning of the story using examples and textual evidence to prove your analysis. In the next paragraph you must show how the character changes and is portrayed in the middle of the story using examples and textual evidence. The next paragraph will show how the character has evolved and has changed in the end of the story by using examples and textual evidence. In the conclusion show what you have learned from this character.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Literary Essay       popup preview  
Students will complete a 5 paragraph essay analyzing a character from a literary text. Writing will be graded on capitalization, punctuation, use of main idea and supporting details, spelling of high frequency words, plural and possessive noun use, subject/verb tense and agreement, and relevant information.

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8   9-12  
3 rubric Body Paragraphs, 4th Grade       popup preview  
A paragraph is a group of sentences developing one topic. This rubric will assess how well students develop the topic and support main ideas within a written paragraph.

Grade levels:   K-5  

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