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1 rubric Marketing SWOT Analysis       popup preview  
On your own, conduct research to select a business of your choice, be sure to include what type of business it is. You need at least six paragraphs- an introduction, a closing and one paragraph for each of the SWOT categories. You must prepare and present a briefing using power-point or poster-board and include your business logo on the paper and in the presentation(pictures should be used on board and/or power point relating to the SWOT analysis).

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Marketing SWOT Analysis       popup preview  
On your own, conduct research to select a business of your choice, be sure to include what type of business it is. You need at least six paragraphs- an introduction, a closing and one paragraph for each of the SWOT categories. You must prepare and present a briefing using power-point or poster-board and include your business logo on the paper and in the presentation(pictures should be used on board and/or power point relating to the SWOT analysis).

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Marketing Plan/Product Project Rubric       popup preview  
Students develop a marketing plan for a fictional product that they will present to the class. Each student decides what fictional product they would like to create and how they are going to market it to their consumers. The areas of the marketing plan that are required were outlined in the assignment sheet.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric Marketing Plan Project Rubric       popup preview  
Students develop a marketing plan for a fictional product that they will present to the class. Each student pair decides what fictional product they would like to create and how they are going to market it to their consumers. Students were given the areas that were to be addressed in their marketing plan.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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