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1 rubric Healthy Lifestyle Change Project       popup preview  
Identify and research a lifestyle practice you want to change. Analyze the impact it has in each of the 7 dimensions of health. Identify strategies, methods, tools, resources, and supports to facilitate your change. Create a plan outlining short and long term goals, steps to reach them, plans to measure progress and overcome obstacles that arise. Min. 3 pages. Due Nov. 2. Implement your plan over 4 weeks. Keep a record of your progress. Note your challenges and success experience, insights gained throughout the process and any revisions required. A short meeting with the instructor will occur week 2-3 of the implementation. Submit a final written evaluation of your healthy lifestyle change using the results recorded and experienced as outlined above. Discuss goals achieved, benefits gained, and negative and positive impacts the change has had on your life physically, emotionally, socially, economically, and spiritually. Min. 3 pages. Due Dec.3.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
2 rubric Healthy Lifestyle Change Project       popup preview  
Identify and research a lifestyle practice you want to change. Analyze the impact it has in each of the 7 dimensions of health. Identify strategies, methods, tools, resources, and supports to facilitate your change. Create a plan outlining short and long term goals, steps to reach them, plans to measure progress and overcome obstacles that arise. Min. 3 pages. Due Nov. 2. Implement your plan over 4 weeks. Keep a record of your progress. Note your challenges and success experience, insights gained throughout the process and any revisions required. A short meeting with the instructor will occur week 2-3 of the implementation. Submit a final written evaluation of your healthy lifestyle change using the results recorded and experienced as outlined above. Discuss goals achieved, benefits gained, and negative and positive impacts the change has had on your life physically, emotionally, socially, economically, and spiritually. Min. 3 pages. Due Dec.3.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  

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