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1 rubric Planear un Viaje o Vacacion a un Pais Latino       popup preview  
Planear un viaje a vacacion a un pais Latino por 10 dias. Instrucciones proveidas.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Spanish 2 Essay: "Mis Peliculas Favoritas"       popup preview  
This is the essay portion of the Spanish 2 class: "Mis Peliculas Favoritas." Write an essay with vocabulary provided. Example of essay given. Must be a one-page in length. Student can incorporate the essay in any format for class presentation. Use the grammar, verbs, vocabulary and transition words you have learned in this semester. You have been provided an extensive vocabulary and essay example to help you organize your thoughts.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Choosing Your Career/Profession Project       popup preview  
You will create a poster of 12 different scenes that depict the process of choosing a career under these suggested headings: 1) knowing yourself and how that influences your career decision, 2) adults or friends that give you advise on this issue, 3) specifics on what you want to study, 4) school where you want to study, 5) other. Each scene must include at least two sentences in Spanish with details describing the process of choosing your career in chronological order.

Grade levels:  
4 rubric Spanish 2 Reflexive Verbs Project       popup preview  
You will create a poster of 12 different scenes that depict your daily routine. Each scene must include at least two sentences with details telling what you do as part of your daily routine.Be sure your scenes go in a chronological order from first to last. Each scene will also include a neat detailed drawing, photo, or clip art depicting the part of your daily routine that the sentence is about. A minimum of 10 frames must contain the use of different reflexive verbs. Use recent vocab. You must use the phrases después de, antes de, acabo de, and para at least 1 time each. Your 12 scenes must be detailed, colored, and have effort. Your sentences must be written in pen/fine-tipped marker. The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the use of reflexive verbs, as well as when and how they are used along with the knowledge of your vocabulary.

Grade levels:  

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