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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Article Reaction Paper       popup preview  
The objective of this assignment is to generate critical thinking related to the integration of art in the elementary classroom. Read the article and provide a quick overview of the article's main points, then address one or all of the following questions. 1. How does the information presented impact students? 2. How might the information affect you as a teacher? 3. What does this mean for teaching? Positive or negative change to the field?

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
2 rubric Article Reaction Paper       popup preview  
The objective of this assignment is to generate critical thinking related to the integration of art in the elementary classroom. Read the article and provide a quick overview of the article's main points, then address one or all of the following questions. 1. How does the information presented impact students? 2. How might the information affect you as a teacher? 3. What does this mean for teaching? Positive or negative change to the field?

Grade levels:   Undergrad  

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