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1 rubric Drafting a Contract       popup preview  
Prepare either a contract for your client. You must ensure that that contract is not unconscionable or so one-sided that it would be enforceable. Make sure that you are well represented and that your client understand what they are getting into. Be able to enforce all of the claims that you are making on behalf of your client. You should research various contacts on line and pull all information needed from various contracts to bind your client with you for at least 15 weeks.

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
2 rubric Drafting a Contract       popup preview  
Prepare either a contract for your client. You must ensure that that contract is not unconscionable or so one-sided that it would be enforceable. Make sure that you are well represented and that your client understand what they are getting into. Be able to enforce all of the claims that you are making on behalf of your client. You should research various contacts on line and pull all information needed from various contracts to bind your client with you for at least 15 weeks.

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
3 rubric Drafting a Contract       popup preview  
Prepare either a contract for your client. You must ensure that that contract is not unconscionable or so one-sided that it would be enforceable. Make sure that you are well represented and that your client understand what they are getting into. Be able to enforce all of the claims that you are making on behalf of your client. You should research various contacts on line and pull all information needed from various contracts to bind your client with you for at least 15 weeks.

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
4 rubric Strategic Negotiation Simulation       popup preview  
Each student, working with an assigned team will prepare for, and participate in, a simulated negotiation. Each student will define the issue or problem that will be negotiated, identify the interests leading to the need to negotiate the issue, prepare and present proposals, identify potential leverage tools that will influence bargaining, and practice effective communication when engaging in the simulation.

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  

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