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Fairytales WebQuest






You've completed all of the activities for this program. Below are some additional tasks that you may feel like trying to further your knowledge of the Fairytale program.



Additional activities


BUILD the location of your story in the style of a 3-D map.


Consider the map you would have seen during HOODWINKED. It gave you a birds eye view of the land that Red lives in and all of the areas of the story that are importnat- Where Granny goes skiing; The cable car and the animals houses etc.


Use this as a guide for your own 3D map development.


  • What materials will you need?

    Draw a draft that allows you to discuss where each scene will be located on a map

  • You will need to keep in theme with the script you created for your 'Major Activity'




Translate script into text for a BOOK-


You will need to:


    Convert script to book text (eg. not so many quotations, create the story to fill in what happens, rather than all oral language)

  • publish- spell check, grammer, punctuation
  • Illustrate 
  • Final copy to be printed and professionally bound





Extra text to read to develop a greater understanding of fractured fairytales

  1. The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig – Eugene Trivizas
  2. That Awful Cinderella- Alvin Grawosky
  3. Sleeping Ugly- Jane Yolen
  4. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs- Jon Scieszka


my home

Fairytales Webquest 2007

Janelle Freeman 
