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An Electronic Portfolio

By Meg Ranido, PPDPT student


Patient Advocacy

    After undertaking research on mandatory reporting laws in the state of Texas, I developed an increased awareness of the possible signs of abuse and neglect in my patients.  I had better knowledge of my responsibilities as a clinician when I encounter such cases at my practice setting.  In one instance not long after I completed the Individual and Family Aspects of Care course, I evaluated a patient who had just had back surgery.  Her spouse was in the room and was verbally abusive to my patient throughout the examination and evaluation.  When the patient and I were working on gait training  in the hallway out of earshot of her spouse, she stated, "He just talks like that".  I reassured the patient that she did not have to explain his actions to me but  also informed her that should she want to seek assistance that we could provide her with the necessary information.  I also spoke with the case manager about what I had observed; apparently, she had observed the same.  I have also made sure to inform my fellow therapists at work of our duties as mandatory reporters of abuse and neglect and what information to provide.

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