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Here is a rubric and grading scale for assessing the ePortfolio assignment:


40-38 points = A

37-35 points= B

34-32 points= C

31-28 points = D





10 points                                              


8 points                                                                        


6 points                                              


Introduction included backround information, relationship to educational technology and teaching philosophy.


Introduction included at least two out of the three required topics:  background information, relationship with educational technology and teaching philosophy.  Introduction included only one out of three required topics: background information, relationship with educational technology and teaching philosophy



Three artifacts were included in the portfolio.  Each artifact had an individual web page as well as introduction.


Three artifacts were included in the portfolio, Artifacts each had their own page, but there was little to no introduction. One or two artifacts were included, but were missing an introduction.



Reflection included all of the following requirements: theme of portfolio, educational significance of artifacts, what you gained or learned  from each artifact and how you plan to build on your educational technology use in the future


Reflection included all but one the following requirements: theme of portfolio, educational significance of artifacts, what you gained or learned  from each artifact and how you plan to build on your educational technology use in the future Reflection was missing at least two of the following requirements: theme of portfolio, educational significance of artifacts, what you gained or learned  from each artifact and how you plan to build on your educational technology use in the future


ePortfolio was easy to navigate based on customized links and set up and order of the menu



ePortfolio contained menu items that were out of order and was missing links or pages ePortfolio was missing menu items as well as links and pages
