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Aisha's online ePortfolio

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    Educational Philosophy

    One of the most important components of an edcuational philosophy is how you view teaching and learning. How people view the role of a teacher says a lot about their basic conception of teaching. Your belief about students will have a great influences on how you teach. I believe in the progressivism philosophical perspective that places the learner at the core of the instructional decision, which means I can form a program that emphasizes meaningful, integrative, challenging, and active learning. I believe that the significance and meaningfulness of context is emphasized both in how it is presented to students and how it is developed through activities that fit the developmental characteristics and needs of the learner.

 I am believed to be a progressivism educator. My beliefs are similar to progressivist John Dewey. He believed education should focus on the child rather than the subject matter. He believed students' interests are important; integrating, thinking, feeling, and doing is important. Progressivism is based on the belief that education should be child-centered rather than focused on the teacher or content area. I think it is important to center all your lessons based on what the students already know or what they can learn. It is important to take into account the whole child and his or her interests and needs in relation to cognitive, affective, and psychomotor areas. Teachers should make learning fun for students in many different ways. I believe effective teachers should provide students experiences that enable them to learn by doing. Progressive teachers begin with where the students are and through the daily give and take of the classroom lead students to see that the subject to be learned can enhance their lives. It is also important that teachers teach the difference values like personal and social. Personal value comes naturally because students know belongs to them and they know how they liked to be treated by others.

 The social value comes natural as well but some teachers have to bring that out of the students sometimes. Some students come to you not talking or communicating with others. Being progressive I feel that life is evolving in a positive direction and those human begins, children as well as adults that are good citizens can be trusted to act in their own best interests. I believe in letting students have lots of freedom in learning however; teachers have to provide structure in the classroom or students will think they are free to do whatever they wish. The classroom and school rules are to be followed at all times. The personal and social values both reflect on the society because society is always changing and new ideas are important to make the future better than the past.

