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My learning process in Communicative Approach Course

Prof: Deise Prima Dutra

Electronic Portfolio
    In this portfolio, I intend  to put together some material, such as texts and activities, which  I did throughout the Communicative Approach course. Further, these materials help me in my leaning process and also  will be usefull in the future since I intend to be teacher.
The portfolio will  have 5 sections:
  • The first sections I am going to include the forum discussion and additional text that help me to understand some concepts.
  • The second section contains my first individual task which I had to describe my experience as a learner.
  • The third section I included my essay and a text that talked about a  crucial topic in this course; integrated skills.
  • The fourth I am going to include 2 textbook analyses which help me a lot to put in practice what I learned from the course.
  • To conclude, the latter section I am going to include my second task which I consider a summary about all concepts that I learned.
First section: Knowing about Communicative approach..
    In this section I have selected all  answers posted by me in the forum, which talks about  the concepts that  we need to know in order to undesrtand what Communicative approach is . For instance, I learned that in order to  communicate in an effective way we need to know how to produce correct sentence, but we also have to know how to produce this sentences in an appropriate context.
In this sense, I also decided to include a summary about a text written by DAVID BLOCK called "The social Turn in second language Acquisition", that discusses the process of acquisition of the second language and some concepts discussed in our course, communicative approach.
Second section: Reflecting about my learning process..
    In this section I am going to present my first individual task which help me to reflect my learning as a process. Before this task I have not reflected about my process of learnig English in the school.
Third section: Integrating skills..
First of all, I would like to include a text  witten by Oxford that talks about the advantages in integrating the four skills. Then, my essay was relevant to understanding the relationship between the four primary skills and their importance in the communicative approach.  
Fourth Section: Analysing a textbook..
    I decided to include the both textbook analysis, the first and the second. In the first I had to analyse on textbook' speaking and listening activities. In this activity I and my classmate commited some misunderstanding with some concepts, such as usage and use. In our forun discussions the others classmates pointed out what we need to improve and it was worthy in my learning process. In the second textbook analysis I put in practice what I learned about reading and writing activities. By these two analysis I could see what textbooks allow students to have  classes based on a communicative approach.
Fifth Section: Practicing...
    Finally, in this section I am going to present my second individual task. I have decided put this activity in the last section since it integrated all the concepts, text and activities that I learned during this course. In this activity I  had to plan a class based on the communicative approach , thus I put in practice the course's purpose. It was usefull and I hope to use this class planning in the future.

Aline Luiza da Cunha, July 3rd, 2007.

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