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Professional Goals

School of Technology



Professional Goals


Communication Skills

Knowledge of Specialization Area

Use of Technology

Professional Organizations

Community Service, Honors and Awards

Student Teaching/Internship


Professional Goals

The professional goals section of your portfolio will demonstrate your career goals. It should give the reader an idea of where you aspire to be in 5, 10, or 15 years. All of your goals should be specific, measurable, and timebound.

Long Term Goals

Examples of these types of goals for Technology Education Teacher Student

To be elected Teacher of the Year by my fifth year of teaching

To be a school administrator within ten years.
To obtain a master's degree in educational administration within the next 6 years
To participate in two major professional development opportunities each year
To conduct workshops, in-services, or training sessions each year that will help improve teaching and learning for myself and others.
To serve as a model of professionalism and prepardness at all times
To be a curriculum coordinator within ten years.
Industrial Technology
Move into upper level management in 5 years
Become a project manager in 5 years

Short Term Goals


Examples of these types of goals for Technology Education Teacher Students

To receive excellent yearly evaluations during my teaching.

To participate in two major professional development opportunities each year. 

To conduct workshops, in-services, or traning sessions each year that will help improve teaching and learning for others and myself
To serve as a model of professionalism and prepardness at all times.

Go to Eastern Illinois University

February, 2002
