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Welcome to Project Care 4 The Cure!!


Kassie Moore

Leadership Reflection
By: Kassie Moore




Some people are born leaders, and some people are born ordinary with great potential. I was born “ordinary”, and at times, I did not know my full potential or worth. I always doubted myself and relied on others to make decisions for me. When I started the Radiologic Sciences Program, I did not know anything about Radiography, and I seriously doubted why I got in the program. Obviously, the program saw something in me that I could not see in myself: potential. 

People can make a difference through their actions and choices. When we started this project, I wondered to myself, “What does this have to do with demonstrating leadership?”   Leaders are able to pull a team together through inspiring others and showing dedication and compassion. Leaders are able to see the “bigger picture” and are able to look beyond what is in their reach. Leaders try to influence others in a positive way, and they care about others before themselves. This project has really made me realize how leadership can be beneficial and educational. 
During this project, our team (Tammy, Christy, and myself) learned how important it is to work together as a group. Part of a leader’s job is being able to work with others, and we collaborated well with each other, despite the classes and exams that were going on throughout the duration of the project. We supported each other, and we felt comfortable sharing feedback with each other during our meetings. Our friendship actually helped us cooperate and function better as a group, and a leader is supposed to develop a rapport with their teammates and have an interest in their needs or concerns. A lot of people would not think that a bake sale would be beneficial to a project, but we actually made more money doing the bake sale than we did just selling doughnuts. Realizing this, as a group, we were able to make changes to help increase our profits, which are being donated to the B.A.S.E. Camp Foundation for Childhood Cancer. 
Part of a leader’s job is to bring awareness to their team and their community. This bake sale and canned goods collection was designed to make the public aware that there are children suffering in the world, even in our own home towns. It is important that people become aware of what is going on in their community and country. 
As future leaders, we should be aware of our actions. Lead through example. Show dedication and compassion. Fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Learning this lesson, I know that I will try to live with my eyes open to the world, not just in the moment. I definitely see myself as a changed person, and I have this project to thank for that.