Christy Butler
Christy Butler’s Reflections
Before taking my leadership class in Armstrong’s Radiologic Sciences program, I did not really think of myself as being much of a leader. I have always thought of leaders as being people who have very dominant personalities and are naturally outgoing. I have always tended to be the opposite of this. Since taking my leadership class, which required me to create and implement a leadership project with a small group, I have learned that I do have some leadership qualities that give me the ability to step into a leadership position when it is necessary.
I have learned through my leadership course that I have a very participative leadership style. When I am in a leadership position, I like to get input from everyone else in my group to make sure that everyone’s opinion is heard, and no useful ideas are missed during the planning of a project. To me, it is very important for a leader to be approachable and willing to listen to others in their group. Cooperation is very important when people need to work together as a group to reach a common goal.
Through my leadership project, I have also learned the importance of good organization in the development of a project. Good organizational skills help to make the project run more smoothly, and things get done in a timely manner. When working under time restraints, it is important to use time wisely and plan ahead.
This project has also helped me to see the importance of giving back to society and helping those who are less fortunate. Our donations to B.A.S.E. Camp will help to benefit children with cancer and their families. The time and effort that was required to implement this project was well worth it if it helps to ease the suffering of a child.