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Business Writing E-Portfolio


My Cover Letter

817 Park Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21201

October 10, 2008

Mr. Johnston Richardson

Peabody Information Technology

1 East Vernon place

Baltimore, MD 21201


Dear Mr. Richardson:


I have gotten notified that Peabody IT Department is looking for a Specialist for the help desk position. My knowledge and skills meet all of the requirements for the position and I would like to be considered as one of the candidates.


As the accompanying resume indicates, I have Four years experience in customer service, and computer management, and I am familiar with all of the software needed for this job. My previous position as an Administrative Assistant of a General Manager has given me a specialized background in this area. Therefore, I am confident that I will very comfortably fit into the IT Department without much additional training.


In addition to my work experience I would like you to be aware that I am working on my second Bachelors degree in Business Management and I will receive it in 2010 from Baltimore City Community College.


I hope I will get the opportunity to discuss my personal experiences and skills with you in person. If there is a possibility for a personal interview please contact me at 205-565-4583.




Svetlana Goncharova


Attachment: Resume
