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English 101 Portfolio


SOC 101



Sociology 101 is a class to introduce students, like myself, to the principles and ideas of the practice of sociology. In Sociology 101 class, my classmates and I study broad topics such as race, social classes and religion. However, instead of simply learning these topics, we think like Sociologists to relate the topics to ourselves and to our society. 


In a Sociology essay, I related the quote “I am the sculptor and I am the Clay” to the process of socialization.


Click Here to Read my Essay



This essay was pretty simple to write. From the writing process, I gained good editing and time management skills. By finishing a first draft of the essay very early, I was able to see my mistakes and draft two other copies before turning in the final copy. Based of my instructor's comments, I knew I was going to do well on this particular essay. She wrote phrases such as "good" and "outstanding" on my first draft. I was successful in writing this essay because I had a good understanding of the material. However, I did not include a citation for information I paraphrased from my textbook. On future essays, I will approach the topic much like I did for the Socialization essay. I will turn in drafts for instuctor commenting and include citations so I will be successful in drafting essays.


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