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Q-munity Spotlight

    Q on You...

Featuring our LGBT community members....






1) Full Name: Elizabeth Yvonne Larios
2) Age: 18
3) Major/Program/Year in School: Music and Business/Freshman
4) Hometown: Sal Agua Mexico
5) What brought you to SDSU LGBT Community? The ability to interact with people who will not judge. I enjoy the fact that I can feel comfortable with everyone involved. I also liked the fact that the LGBT community is active on campus and refuses to hide underneath everything.
6) What is your favorite thing about the community here on campus? I love the optimism of the people and the way that everyone is so willing to work together to make LGBT better on campus
7) What are your plans for the future? I plan to begin producing music soon and hopefully getting a record deal as a producer. I also want to move in with my girlfriend within the next couple years. In terms of LGBT, I just want to help make it as great as I can.
8) What is one thing you would change about the LGBT community in general (not just the LGBT community at SDSU)?
 I would not change the community, rather I would change the perception that people have of it. Everyone is the same, regardless of the choices they make in life.


