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Found 22 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 20 )  
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1 rubric Cuisine Project (1)       popup preview  
Working with a partner or individually, students will produce a video of a step by step preparation of a dish of their choice from a Spanish speaking country.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Final Exam: Book Report       popup preview  
Correct use of advanced grammar (Clauses A, B and C), spelling, punctuation, and use of paragraphs with topic sentences each are an expectation and a major part of your grade.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Spanish II Oral Exam - Clothing Store       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric El Proyecto de un problema social (Unidad 3.2)       popup preview  
Students will create a Spanish commercial using video. The video must include vocabulary & grammar from one of the chapters 4-7. Your commercial must be a story line production in which you are trying to convince someone to buy a specific product. You must have audio to your video.The use of props to enhance your video is strongly advised.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
5 rubric Ensayo de Español Avanzado       popup preview  
Rúbrica para corregir ensayos de tema libre.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Spanish Book Project       popup preview  
You will create an original, colorful children's book with a minimum of 10 pages, 100% in Spanish and with illustrations in each page. The book must have a cover with a title and author. Each page must be illustrated. You must include a detailed description of the introduction, characters, environments, conflicts, resolution, climax and conclusion. You will use a wide variety of verbs, as you determine which tense to use, preterit or imperfect. The use of Past Participle will also be evaluated.

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Energy Transformation Project       popup preview  
Construct an energy transformation diagram illustrating a minimum of three different energy transformations. This diagram must show your understanding of multiple FORMS of energy and be an accurate representation of how energy changes forms. On the back of your transformation diagram, you must create a summary explanation of what is happening to the energy in your diagram.

Grade levels:   6-8  
8 rubric Renewable/Non-renewable Project       popup preview  
Research different types of energy sources answering the questions; How is the energy source supplied? What are the costs associated with the energy source? What are the advantages of using the energy source? What are the disadvantages to using the energy source? Where is the energy source being used currently?

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
9 rubric Energy Transformation Project       popup preview  
Construct an energy transformation diagram illustrating a minimum of five different energy transformations. This diagram must show your understanding of multiple FORMS of energy and be an accurate representation of how energy changes forms. On the back of your transformation diagram, you must create a summary explanation of what is happening to the energy in your diagram.

Grade levels:   6-8  
10 rubric Events Planner       popup preview  
You have just signed a contract with a rich and famous person and now your job is to create the event of a lifetime. Your plan for the client must include the following: •Find at minimum 2 locations but no more than 3 locations where the event can be held oList what each may offer oFind a caterer (try but do not just copy and paste the menu, choose a few items oWhat are the amenities (additional services, valet parking, hotel rooms, handicap parking) oMaximum capacity (how many people can the place hold) oProvide the cost cor tent rentals, chairs, etc as needed The goal of this project is to allow creativity, critical thinking, inquiry based thinking, increase writing abilities and organization

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
11 rubric Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric       popup preview  
Critical thinking is a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion. This rubric is designed to be transdisciplinary, reflecting the recognition that success in all disciplines requires habits of inquiry and analysis that share common attributes. Further, research suggests that successful critical thinkers from all disciplines increasingly need to be able to apply those habits in various and changing situations encountered in all walks of life. This rubric is designed for use with many different types of assignments and the suggestions here are not an exhaustive list of possibilities. Critical thinking can be demonstrated in assignments that require students to complete analyses of text, data, or issues. Courtesy of AAC&U:

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
12 rubric Research Paper: Comparing Learning Environments       popup preview  
Paper will be graded on quality of research to support the topic, effective use of information gained through research, correct APA formatting, credibility of sources, content, quality of writing & critical thinking, grammar and mechanics, and references.

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
13 rubric Spanish Movie Critique       popup preview  
Rubric for a written script and an oral presentation for a grades 9-12 Spanish Level 1 class. Students use the vocabulary learned thus far to converse amongst themselves.

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric Assessment Task 1-Create a creature       popup preview  
Students demonstrate their scientific drawing skills of a creature which has been designed to survive in a given environment. They provide a written report and oral justification relating the creatures adaptations to its environment.

Grade levels:   K-5  
15 rubric Spanish Country/food project       popup preview  
The project has four parts: written, recipes, a visual aspect and an oral summary of the country chosen. Choose a Spanish speaking country and write a two page report. Include at least three topics related to country: politics, history, famous people/events, etc. Choose three recipes that represent the country; two main courses and one dessert. Create a visual display, supporting the oral presentation. Each student will present a short oral summary about their country.

Grade levels:  
16 rubric Notable Hispanic Biography Project/Famous Woman       popup preview  
Biography of a notable Hispanic figure or a famous woman. Biography will be written in Spanish. A brief essay will be written on this person including personal information, qualities, and contributions. This biography must be 2 paragraphs long. Also, an oral presentation in Spanish is included.Include a drawing or picture of this notable leader.

Grade levels:   9-12  
17 rubric Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait       popup preview  
Students will develop skills, techniques and a knowledge of processes as a basis for creating their self-portrait.

Grade levels:   K-5  
18 rubric ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ASSESSMENT RUBRIC       popup preview  
A rubric to to assess architectural design projects.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
19 rubric AP Spanish Language and Culture Presentational Speaking       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
20 rubric Teamwork and Critical Thinking       popup preview  
Students will demonstrate teamwork and critical thinking to create different movements

Grade levels:   K-5  

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