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Professional Development

Karns City School District                   Student Teacher   

Jan - March 2003

Worked with a 1st Grade teacher.  Taught math, science, language and reading.  Also had to design a classroom management program, a bulletin board and keep a journal of good and bad lessons or incidents.  Received an A for this course.

Union School District                            Student Teacher       

March - May 2003

 Worked with a 5th grade teacher.  Taught social studies, Laugage, computer, spelling, and Health.  The teacher I worked with did not teach Math or Science but I was required to teach one lesson in each subject to complete my training.  Also had to design a classroom management program, a bulletin board and keep a journal of good and bad lessons or incidents.  Received an A+ for this course.

PA Wildlife:  Wild Life Course designed to integrate Scientific Wildlife lessons into the Classroom.  All Day course that showed us various activities that we could do to teach Science lessons.  This was offered through the school district that I was substituting for as a paid course for continuing education.
