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Caitlyn Kennedy's Writing 10 ePortfolio


Semester Coursework

Section 5:
Semester Coursework
The course as a whole has change my entire feeling on writing and reading.  Not only has my prosperous changed because of essays and journal entrĂ©es, but also because of the coursework in the semester too.  From the moment I step into the class on the first day, and the next thing I knew I was assigned the very first paper, I knew that this course would be challenge but doable.  From the very first assignment to the ?Taquoria Shootout,? I have grown more and more confident in my writing abilities.  Each assignment had me think about different points of view and topic which before I had never given much thought to.  I fell that my writing has improved 10 fold, but the most important thing I that enjoyed taking on the assignments as I saw it as a way to expand my thoughts on the world. 
When I first entered this course I laid all my cards on the table.  In my first assignment I stated that I more than likely should not be in this class, because I was very dyslexia and a horrible speller.  I had never once had a ?B? on any of my mock AP high school courses.  I truly believed that it was dump luck that I passed the writing provision test.  I was ready to let someone help me expand by writing abilities.  In the beginning of this course I was also very standoffish, however, that is how I was in high school, and I understood that didn?t get me very far.  Thus, now I think I should pipe down a little more.  I enjoy discussing thoughts with my teacher and classmates, rolling the ideas around in my mind, to getting a deeper understanding of the world around me. 
I completed all assignments as soon as possible, there was only one assignment that I didn?t participate in because no one would call be to leave a phone message.  But I did do my best to try to convince them for days. There is one change I would make to become to become a better, more-involved student is to simply get rid of the standoffishness in the first place and jump right into the class discussion from the very start of the semester to the very last minute. 
Power of Words - Draft
Waiting on a Train in Early Morning Draft