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Rachel Littell's ePortfolio        

Mass Communications


    *Ability to conduct formal research

    *Recognize ethical constraints

    *Ability to speak and write clearly and effectively to diverse groups of people

    *Use creativity to communicate to mass audiences

Mass Communications is the "study of various means by which individuals and entities relay information to large segments of the population all at once through the mass media" (  Some of the sub-fields pertaining to the study of mass communication are Journalism, Public Relations, Media Production, and Media Analysis and Criticism.
As a mass communication specialist one must have the ability to conduct formal research, recognize and employ ethical restraints, use creativity to communicate to mass audiences, and have the ability to speak and write clearly and effectively to diverse audiences. 
The first work sample I have chosen to represent my educational background in mass communications is an assignment for ENG 374, Technical Editing, which was a memo to the Service Learning Department at Arizona State University suggesting revisions to their flier along with an edited final draft of their flier. 
The memo summarizes the main point of the Service Learning flier and gives suggestions as to how the flier can seem more appropriate to their target audience.  I first researched the Service Learning Program to determine their target audience and what they provided for students.  I then revised their original flier both in the wording content and the creative layout in order to appeal to their audience more effectively. The final version rook notice of copyright information and was directed to a more specific audience with the intention of informing and educating English majors.
The second artifact is from TWC 301, Technical Writing, which is a supplemental paper reflecting my group's website.  The paper reveals our coming together to create a website available to people who enjoy cooking and learning about recipes from differentregions of Italy.  Creating this unique website included researching regions of Italy and the food they are acquainted with as well as world-renown recipes that represent each region.  The website was original, user-friendly, and showcased citations from our research.   
The ENG 374 and TWC 301 projects utilized creativity, effective wording, and citations recognizing ethical restraints. 

Artifact 1:  Recommendation & Revision for Service Learning Flier

Artifact 2:  Supplemental Paper

