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Mandy D. Phillips' Website

Sample Syllabus

Theatre Arts I

Class Time: 8:30 ? 10:00 a.m., Monday-Friday
Instructor: Ms. Phillips
Office Location: Room 222
Email Address:

1. Class Description:
This is an introductory class for students who have an interest in theatre arts. It will cover a wide variety of subject areas relating to theatre, including but not limited to improvisation, theatre history, and technical theatre. Students who complete the course with satisfactory grades will be eligible to take Theatre Arts II the following semester. The class is designed to be taught with 18-24 students. There will be group work throughout the course.

2. Prerequisites:
There are no prerequisites for this course.

3. Course Goals:

To develop an appreciation for theatre as an art, as well as providing a solid knowledge base in many different areas of theatre.

4. Attendance:

Attendance will be taken at the start of every class period. Failure to attend class without a written excuse from the main office will result in automatic detention.

5. Participation:

Students are expected to participate actively in class, whether it be an acting assignment, a class discussion, or work in the workshop. Students are required to take notes on any videos that may be shown in class. This class involves several group assignments which students are required to participate in. If anyone has a problem with group assignments, please see me at the end of the first class period.

6. Assignments:

Assignments in this course will include reading outside of class time, writing assignments, group exercises, research assignments, and working with elements of technical theatre. Other assignments may be given as the course progresses if deemed necessary by the instructor.

7. Grading Policy:

The final grade in this class will be comprised of four different areas: class participation (30%), assignments (30%), exams (25%), and quizzes (15%). The grading scale is as follows:
93-100 points = A
85-92 points = B
77-84 points = C
70-76 points = D
0- 70 points = F

8. Class rules:

During the first week of class, students will collaborate with the instructor to create a set of classroom rules that everyone can live by. However, the biggest rule that is in place from the very beginning is to always show respect for all the participants in class. There are no exceptions. Any student failing to comply with this rule will face severe consequences.

9. Class website:

The class will have a website that will be built as a joint effort between the entire class and the instructor as the semester progresses. Students will be required to use the internet to research websites for a few projects. If students are not able to access the internet at home, arrangements will be made for them to complete their assignments in a school computer lab.v

10. Class schedule:

A schedule of topics and activities will be posted on the class bulletin board at the beginning of every week.