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rachaeldickenso's Website

About Me

    About the Author

If I wrote this in third person, it would probably appear a lot more professional, but I feel that, not only is it too impersonal, it's also a tad bit creepy to write about myself in that manner.  So, what you, the reader, are going to get is a taste of my own personal writing and humor.  Godspeed, my friend. 

I was born June 3, 1986 in Galveston, Texas to my birth parents, Angie and Cecil Sabrsula.  Sadly, Angie died on November 10, 2006 after a long battle with Leukemia.  I was brought to the Rio Grande Valley by my grandmother late in 1986 and put into custody of my aunt and uncle, Sherry and Neil Dickenson.  I have thought of them as my parents all my life.  Due to crappy circumstances, my older sister, Tori, and I were only recently able to truly begin establishing a relationship.  I have been with my boyfriend, Christopher Yeshe, for over three years now and we intend to marry in the future.  My best friends, Gabe Ruiz, Yvette Tamez, and Rene Garcia are my lifelines.  I don't know what I would do without them.

Currently, I am a senior at the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg, Texas where I am majoring in English and minoring in Theater.  I am also interning with Reel to Red, the media division of University Relations.  After I graduate, I hope to go on to pursue an MFA in both creative writing and film production.  I will then pursue a career in television/film prodcution and creative writing.

Other useless information:

old movies. beatniks. writing short stories and poetry. chatting. posting in forums. creating in photoshop. listening to music. singing (even though I suck at it). photography (glamour and nude). memories. the smell of orange groves at night. sunsets. sitting out on my back porch and listening to the crickets at midnight. staying up til all hours and then sleeping all day the next day. good friends. cheap wine. the simple life. contradictions. philosophy. knowledge. black clothing. funky colored hair. silly faces. bad jokes. good jokes. dirty jokes. staying in hotels. San Antonio, Texas at night. the night. the cold. snow. frost. powedered sugar over gingerbread cookies. my own insanity. stupid sayings. cliches. evil smiles. my eyes. how i seem to be able to express my opinion with a simple raise of an eyebrow. cursing. studying religions. girls. boys. tedious, mind-numbing work. excitement. the way i could live in a tiny apartment somewhere with little to nothing and be happy as long as I had my friends. aliens. the way it feels to cry after a really shitty week. cartoons. badly drawn cartoons. animation. piercings. watching my dog cozette stretch. playing with dog pepper's ears. penguins. fast cars. driving slow in the country. christmas lights. people who are fun to talk to. open-minded people. vampires. starseeds. werewolves. the occult. new age thinking. buddhism. the quirky things my friends say. the way people trust me. living like there is no tomorrow. la vie boheme.

the heat. rap. talking in front of groups of people. people stealing my work. how fast time flies. sunlight. whiny people. annoying people. people who let other people walk all over them and then complain that people walk all over them. broken bones. allergies. being sick. missing class. boring professors. expensive textbooks. professors who choose expensive textbooks. roaches. people who lack a sense of humor. people who assume gossip to be true. tabloid magazines. sunlight. heat. that tingly feeling when your leg has fallen alseep and starts to "wake up".

