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EDPL Introduction

Laurie Wohfiel’s ePortfolio:





I have been a substitute teacher for three years, at three different schools.  I have always, and still do, substituted only at the school where my boys attend.  This is for my convenience – I don’t have to worry about a sitter.  But also, I have a vested interest in doing a good job not only because that is how I work, but because it is our family school.  Plus the students get to know me, I know how the school works, I get to know the teachers and they get to know me.  I don’t look at substitute teacher as ‘babysitting’ and enjoy the day more if I actually get to ‘teach’.

Because I am ‘just a sub’ I don’t plan lessons to incorporate any education technology, except an occasional use of an overhead projector.  Because the school is not wired to support educational technology in the classroom (just in a computer lab which has many computers, but is shared by the whole school of approximately 20 classes) technology time is limited.  I have subbed in the computer class and have taken classes into the computer lab to work on projects, which have been either research projects or what I would now call webquests. 

Personally I’d like to think that I am comfortable working on the computer.  I know how to use word and spreadsheet programs, although sometimes I struggle with the more advanced functions, such as mail merge.  I’m very confident with desktop publishing programs, as I worked on a newspaper for 3 years.  I use email regularly.  I use the web, but don’t spend much time doing it and I am not sure I am going about the right way searching for information.  

I believe in arming students with the ability to survive and to prepare them for future learning.  When students leave my room, I want them to have problem-solving strategies and confidence.  They should be critical thinkers who have the skills and know-how to figure out what life throws at them.  I’ll use authentic learning strategies for appropriate subjects and lessons. I will use various technologies to draw students into the lesson that will assist them with the understanding and proficiency of a certain lesson. I will be clear with learning objectives and what students have to do to earn specific grades.  I’ll take into consideration who the children are and understand that they don’t always fit specific molds.  I want my students to realize that I am a teacher, not just a grader.
