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Wendy J. McNiel

Theatre Educator

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching beliefs are based on many aspects of my life. These range from practice teaching in the school systems, teaching at workshops and conferences, life/career experience and raising my own children. I feel that this gives me a more well rounded and realistic view of teaching and children. I believe to be a successful teacher and have a productive classroom, it takes many aspects working together to make an effective whole. These include teacher involvement, teacher and student motivation, communication, a classroom management plan, work level expectations and self sustaining practices. I believe when these areas are clearly defined and working together true teaching and learning can occur.

I feel the classroom should become a student’s community, a place where they not only learn basic skills, but also social interaction with peers. School should prepare the child to smoothly flow into society as a well- rounded, knowledgeable and socially prepared adult. The huge, and at times overwhelming, responsibility of a teacher is to be that guiding light to their students. As human beings, I believe we are naturally curious about our environment and ourselves. This causes us to seek answers to our questions and gives us the thirst for knowledge.

My goal as a teacher is to reach out to the heart and mind of my students and bring back to reality the sparks of imagination and curiosity sometimes hidden or stifled inside. Using theatre as my tool, I want to create a community of learners and give that intellect a safe place to learn, discover and create. The only limitation is their imagination.
