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Paul Gagliardi's Teaching Page



Mixing one's wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably.  Bertolt Brecht


The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with.

-Bruce Springsteen

About Me

What you Need to Know About Me If You are Enough to Take One of My Classes:


Fact 1: I don't give a wit about the Green Bay Packers.


Fact 2: Coffee is one of life's essential essences. Without it...well let's not even consider that possibility.


Fact 3: Dogs and cats are simply drawn to me as if I am a pet magnet. Hence, you'll pardon the inevitable pet hair on my person.


Fact 4: I still watch The Simpsons.


Fact 5: As a life-long Philadelphia sports-fan, I will break into spontaneous weeping at random points during the semester.


Fact 6: Thank god for the Hershey Bears.


