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Nicole Green's
Communications ePortfolio


Welcome to my ePortfolio


 This is my Communications Portfolio

My Interests


I'm the ultimate "book worm"! I love reading everything and anything, but my favorite genres are historical fiction, science fiction, and fantasy. For more information about my extracurricular interests, check out my About Me page!


One day I hope to be a well-known fantasy novelist and write a series that compares to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series! 



The first novel of the series.

My Writing

I have been able to experiment with many types of writing while earning my degree. I have focused primarily on print journalism and have written various news, feature, entertainment, and opinion articles for the university newspaper.



My Journey

Starts Here!

Favorite Classes

The Communications courses that I enjoyed the most were those that I learned the most from: 

  • Magazine Writing
  • Interviewing & Reporting
  • Editing & Design
  • Story Writing
  • Communications 495 (Internship)
Sliding Tile
Your content
goes here!

Many of my Communications courses have required me to write reflections about what I have learned from working on various papers, projects, and reports.
