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The world of hospitality


Why hospitality?


The fruit of pineapple is a well-known symbol of hospitality. It simply means "welcome", and that's what hospitality is all about- welcoming other people and their culture.


The reason, why I chose to study tourism and hospitality, is very simple- this is my passion. I have been traveling since I was a little child. I must say I was very fortunate to be born in a family that loved active recreation. Every single summer we were camping in mountains, hiking, swimming etc etc. I am one of a few people that had a chance to stand on every single mountain in the country, from those tiny ones to the highest in Poland-"Rysy" 2499m.


In high-school I became more interested in learning about other cultures, languages and traditions. I signed up for a student exchange program and went to Sweden for a month. I worked my way up and won a trip to Lego-Land in Denmark. I visited Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia. I was always fascinated with other cultures, religions, different ways of doing things. I finished Hospitality/Tourism highschool in Poland, which gave me a chance to work in an international hotel as an intern. That experience made me want to own my own hotel :) So that's what I am planning to accomplish in the future.


Right now I am half-way done with my AAS degree and hopefully I will be able to continue my studies and get a BA in Hospitality. I would love to work in a hotel as a manager (in the beginning), learn new ways of managing hotels, get more experience. In my opinion, hospitality and tourism is a wonderful way of learning other traditions, life-styles, cultures. Where else can you see such a diversity if now in an international hotel?


The purpose of my e-portfolio will be to introduce all of you to my dreams, plans and passions. I will post some of my papers, but there is not a lot that I have done yet. I hope to make you all fall in love with traveling :) People need to understand that money is not always an issue-we just need to open our eyes and look around- everything is worth seeing.

