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Club or School Logo                  CSUSB Criminal Justice Club


Outgoing President Valerie Gives Club Information To Incoming President Anthony


Outgoing Officers Bid Farewell After Handing Over The Club Responsibilities  



New Officers On First Club Outing To A Taping Of
"The Best Damn Sports Show" And Coco's For A Pie
Eating Contest; Anthony (far left) Got The Blue Ribbon
           (14 pies in two minutes flat!!)

                    First Club Meeting 


 Karla (Club Secretary) On The Left, Helps Put Out The Grub


Volunteer Club Members at Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House                  (CJUS Club looking more like a Sorority)

                   Members With Patient

               Relaxing at Catalina Island

Officer Gines with S.B. County Probation Giving Information On Internship Opportunities With His Department

Officer Jones from the CHP gives information about their hiring process


Clubbers show up first thing on Sunday morning to help out at the American Legion, nestled deep in the heart of downtown San Bernardino.

A bunch of clubbers getting organized before they start the work. 

Danielle spots the entrance..."Over here guys!!"

Here we go!!


Ninfa dishes out food to the homeless.

Matt also serves it up.

After a long day of giving back to their community, the CJ Club gathers for a parting shot.
