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iRubric: Guide to Renting Brochure/Booklet rubric

iRubric: Guide to Renting Brochure/Booklet rubric

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Guide to Renting Brochure/Booklet 
Renting options, main advantages over buying a home, the renting/leasing process, steps, and important terms for consumers who are renting for the first time.
Rubric Code: G8X5C3
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Criterion
  Does not meet expectations

1 pts

Minimally meets expectations

2 pts

Meets expectations

3 pts

Exceeds expectations

4 pts

10 pts

Informative renting brochure w/ appealing slogan.

Use text or class notes/info.
Renting elements include:
1. advant. of renting
2. where to look
3. options avail.
4. 1st steps-budget
5. assess. liv. expenses
6. desires for location, ammenities, etc.
7. credit check
8. security deposit
9. rent advance
*See next category for 10-19.

Does not meet expectations

- Content is incomplete according to the specified guidelines.

- Major points are not clear .
Minimally meets expectations

- Content is not comprehensive but most guidelines are met.

- Major points are addressed, but not well supported or illustrated.

- Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.
Meets expectations

- Content is comprehensive and accurate

- Major points are stated clearly and are well illustrated.

- Content and purpose of the writing are clear.
Comparisons are clear and easy to understand
Exceeds expectations

- Content goes beyond the textbook and classroom sources.

- Major points are stated eloquently and creatively.
Brochure Organization & Structure
10 pts

(continued elements required)
10. pet deposit
11. utilities
12. impt pts on lease (may include street parking, city curfew, other restrictions.)
13. renters insurance
14. eviction & reasons
15. breach of contract
16. subletting
17. assigning a lease
18. landlord responsibilities
19. tenant/renter responsibilities

Does not meet expectations

- Organization and structure detract from the message of the writer.

-Brochure is inadequate/excessive in length.

Design does not lend itself to appealing or serious attention by a potential consumer/renter.

Brochure may be "dog -eared", messy, excessive glue, etc.
Minimally meets expectations

- Structure of the brochure is not easy to follow.

- Brochure is over/ under specified length.

Design could be substantially improved.

Brochure may show some obvious "wear & tear" in the making, unclean, etc.
Meets expectations

- Structure of the brochure is clear and easy to follow.

- Brochure is the appropriate length as described for the assignment.

Design is acceptable, beyond a "work in progress".

Brochure shows minor wear & tear in the making of product.
Exceeds expectations

- Structure of brochure is eye catching but not too "busy" or distracting of the info, easy to follow and creative.

Design (color, contrast, etc) lends itself to quick & substantial attention by a potential consumer due to its appeal.

Brochure looks "hot off the press" & in superior presentation/shape.
Writing Conventions
8 pts

Does not meet expectations

- Brochure contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.

- Interferes with reader's comprehension.
Minimally meets expectations

-Brochure contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.

- Errors do not impede in comprehension.
Meets expectations

- Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is generally correct.
Exceeds expectations

- Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.
Draft & prelim. layout & research
12 pts

Conduct during assignment

Due: ____________

Does not meet expectations

Student does not prepare well for creation of brochure.
- Draft is poorly done or layout leaves out impt. info./elements.

- Some info or all - not accurate & shows student did not give info much thought before designing project.
-A consumer would be confused by info or uninterested due to "first impressions".
- Inadequte draft or lack of one demonstrates student's lack of serious attention to value of preparing a product.
Minimally meets expectations

- Info may or may not be TOTALLY accurate.
- Would likely draw attn. from consumers.
- Easy to understand & in simple terms.

Student turns in a draft that may or may not show thoughtful design of the brochure.
- Elements are not all included or are not correct. Student may confuse the terms or present some in confusing manner.
- Draft or rubric is missing when turned in.
Meets expectations

-Student turns in a draft with completed project.
-Most elements are included.
-Most elements are accurate or accurate if "tweeked", minor revision.
- Brochure has neat appearance.
Exceeds expectations

- Student prepares well for creation of brochure by drafting a copy & "laying" out a draft for the brochure. Flows well.
- Student does exceptional job of keying main points in easy to read format.
-Draft & rubric are turned in with completed brochure.
- Professional appearance. "Invites interest from consumer".
Time, task, & materials management
10 pts

Time Management, task management,
Use of materials & clean up.

Students are expected to use time wisely & NOT distract or interfere, horseplay, or otherwise during class. It is expected that each student does their personal best & put forth consistent effort to do so.

Does not meet expectations

-Fails to clean up after themselves consistently or put items back intact or where they belong. Is not attentive to conserving materials in class (i.e. wasteful).
- Does not turn in project on time.-May be more than one day late. - May show "rush" job appearance. If more than a day late, project requires their parent signature & phone number on back of brochure for grade. (On back of brochure) Pts still taken off for late submittance.
Minimally meets expectations

- May fail to completely clean up after themselves & around their desks.
-Uses materials & leaves them scattered on occasion.
-May be late by one day. 8 pts off. If late, requires parent signature and phone number on back. Pts still taken off for late submittance.
Meets expectations

- Cleans up during & after completed project.
- Good use of materials & is not wasteful most of the time.
-Turned in on time.
Exceeds expectations

- Student begins & ends project by using time wisely throughout. Does not interfere with others & cleans up after themselves.
-Very conscientious of conserving materials. -Turned in on time.
10 pts

Does not meet expectations

Student does not thoughtfully critique their design or work in comments section on rubric.
Minimally meets expectations

Student may or may not critique their design or work in comments section on rubric. If done, shows little time or energy given to critique from a consumer's view point.
Meets expectations

Student provides reasonable critique of own design and work from a consumer's view point.
Exceeds expectations

Student provides a thoughtful, sharp critique of own design and work from a consumer's view point. Shows ability to objectively view own work/design & possibly project improvement on sim. project in future.

  • Interior Design: Foundation of home renting & home buying

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