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English 101Portfolio


SOC 101

Soc 101


     When I first started taking this class, I was very annoyed. It had nothing to do with my major, and I was only taking it because of the LEI program. However, I started to realize that Sociology is very similar to Psychology in many ways. While both two studies deal with opposite things, they are both sciences designed to predict human behavior. Doing research in both fields requires you to deal with people and to be able to think critically. While Sociology is not one of the coarses I have to take for my major, it has showed me how I need to study for my upcoming psychology classes. 



The SOC essay that stands out


     The one essay that stands out the most would be the third essay I had to write. During the essay, we had to analyze the quote " I am the sculptor and I am the clay". The paper was about socialization and how we are truly not free. I disagree with all of the material I had to put on that paper. I don't think society has full control over everybody, and I don't think we have control over society. The idea behind that paper was interesting, but it's not something I can relate to.


Clcik here for the essay
