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lesson plans

Body Outlines lesson plan


Objective: Students will learn body parts



  • large sheets of butcher block paper (child-sized)
  • crayons
  • black permanent marker



  1. Have each child lie down on a piece of butcher block paper.
  2. Tell the children that you are going to draw the outline of their bodies, using a marker.
  3. After the outlines are drawn, have the children use the crayons to spell out their name on the body. Now have the children tell you what each body part is: such as their legs, arms, mouth, nose, eyes, etc.
  4. The teacher can label the body parts for the children, or some of them may be able to write their own body parts on their picture.
  5. Have the children add and color their hair, eyes, mouth, ears, shoes, etc.
  6. When the bodies are done, they look great displayed in the room. The kids love to show people which one is them!