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Great American Smokeout Walk



                                          Practium Pictures                     





                           Tracy and I waiting on our walkers to arrive





                 Informing the public on the effects smoking

                              has on your Coronary Arteries








                           Tracy handing out pens to the participants




                                       Rachel passing out flyers in the

                                      St. Joe cafetieria



         Partcipants reading through the Coronary Artery

                                      Disease book



                 Some of our walkers, walking for the cause...






                   One of our walkers going home with his

                      brochures and heart shaped cookies



                                 Heart Shaped cookies



                     Rachel describing the effects of smoking



                   The table showcasing the book and images

                                   and the petition



                Tracy and I and a fellow classmate that came to

                  support the Great American Smokeout Walk



                     Rachel pointing out important facts

                                      about quitting

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