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English 101


COL 105

COL 105
College 105 is a course that helps you get to know your way around the campus. It also helps you get to know other students, since you will have two other classes with everyone in your College 105 class. On top of these two things, this class will help you adopt study habits. In this class you must attend at least one diversity workshop, and at least two activities.

The first activity I attended was a Veteran’s Day ceremony. We went outside to the flagpole and listened to a WWII veteran speak about his experience during the war. After listening to him speak, we watched them put a memorial wreath at the flagpole to honor the veterans and those who are no longer with us. After this ceremony, the portable Vietnam wall was on its way to Bowman Field on the Clemson campus.  This wall had the names of the fallen soldiers that served our country during this war. We had to pick two names and find information on them.



This activity made me really stop and think about how thankful I am for these men and women. In high school we learned the basics of the Vietnam War, but hearing the veterans and looking at this wall really taught me about the Vietnam War more in depth. On the down side it made me really sad to think about all those who lost their lives for their country and when they came home were called baby killers. This made me realize that our veterans deserve many thanks and many of them do not get it. So every time I see a veteran I stop and take the time to thank them for fighting for our freedom.

The second activity I went to was a Future Educators meeting. At this meeting we talked about the financial aid that was availiable to students that are going to school to become teachers. We also talked about helping with the angel tree, our next meeting, and about a workshop for the Praxis exam.



This activity really helped me since I want to become a teacher and need some help with financial aid. On the down side, I was a little upset that we did not have much time to cover this subject. I was really amazed about the angel tree because I did not expect that many people helping with this. Talking about the Praxis exam workshop really helped me too, becasue you have to pass the exam before you can become a certified teacher. I think this workshop would benefit me because I always get stressed out over big tests, and this is one of biggest tests I will ever have to take. This is why the Praxis exam kind of scares me, but I know I will be okay if I go to the workshop and do my very best.
