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Holly S. Matthews Portfolio


About Me

Notes from the beginning    

    From the very first piano lesson at the age of 5, I knew I wanted to be a musician.  Pictures of 4-year-me in a tiny drum majorette costume turned into pictures of high-school-me in a drum major uniform.  Pictures of me at the piano with my feet not quite touching the ground turned into pictures of me at my senior high school recital and eventually a solo recital at Kutztown University.  Lessons, practice and much education has turned me into what I am today...a librarian.

From musician to librarian...

    Fast forward to 1 marriage, 2 children and many years later.  On a trip with my children to the local library, my daughter saw a sign advertising a job opening.  In her oh-so-innocent voice she said, "Mom, you should work here.  You like to read."  As a stay-at-home mom and part-time music student at Kutztown University, I thought having a little extra spending money was a good idea, and yes, I did like to read.  I began as a clerk at the local library in September 2001 and as they say in stories that need a quick ending, the rest is history.  I am now the director at that same library where my life took a turn and a new career began.

Teachers and teaching

    As a student at Kutztown University, I had the opportunity to learn from some terrific teachers.  My first piano professor was Dr. Samuel Bellardo, lover of Chopin and incredible pianist.  He was also very patient, a good quality to have as a teacher I would later learn.  My other piano professor was the choir director, Dr. Dennis Williams.  While some faculty questioned my choice, I knew I had something to learn from him the minute I heard him play.  At a show choir concert, Dr. Willams played piano accompaniment with a small ensemble.  After the concert, I asked him how he got "that sound" to come out of the piano.  From that moment on, I re-learned how to use the weight in my arms, not in my hands, to extract the best sound from the piano.  As a teacher myself, I would often repeat the very same words I had just heard at my own lessons.  It was with much regret that after building my studio to 26 students, I had to quit teaching due to time spent on graduate school and hours devoted to being a library director.     

Back to school...and music

    As a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh, I had the opportunity to take part in "field experience."  Even though I was a library director, this experience needed to take place outside of my home library.  Ever seeking ways to incorporate music into my librarian education, I found the courage to ask the librarians of the Philadelphia Orchestra if they would consider accepting me as an intern.  They agreed and I began making weekly trips to Philadelphia in May 2006.  I stayed on after I had fulfilled the required hours and continue to assist with bowing projects, part corrections and score binding.  Observing the orchestra librarians has shown me how my two loves, musicianship and librarianship, can be joined together.


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