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The following clinical log is a reflection from the time I spent with a  social worker that I observed at the facility I attended for my Leadership Clinical course, NURS-4570.









restorative nursing resources












































I looked at what resources are available in the ED to help the patients get some of their needs met.

“The case manager is client-focused and outcome oriented (253, Yoder-Wise, 2003).”

One really valuable service that they have is the case managers. They the patients meet some of their needs that they would not ordinarily not be able to do like get their medications, transfers to psych facilities, and insurance problems or lack of insurance problems. They give patients information about places that they can get cheap or free medications, they are the ones that set up the transfers to psych facilities and get approval from both the insurance companies and the facilities. They set people up with counseling places if they have problems or have tried or have suicidal ideations.  I followed Andrew the case manager he had a patient that was from Canada and was having delusions and hallucinations. He did an assessment and had to fill out forms to get the man deemed incompetent so that they could have him committed to Vandy. The problem was that there was no information on his information card about how to get in touch with the insurance people to get the ok to put him at Vandy. So he had to look for information and the number on the internet and call. He had to end up calling a couple of different numbers in order to find the right place.  Without Andrew the guy would not have been able to be assessed as well and would have had to go to the state facility. He also talked to a boy that had attempted suicide and got him into counseling. Without his help some of theses patients might not be able to afford their medication and would not know the resources that are out there to help. So they could not take their medications and end right back in to hospital again. Thus costing more time and money unnecessarily. They are an invaluable asset to the hospital and patients.
